Saturday, June 07, 2008

7 Random Things In Pictures

Clarissa gave me an assignment a while back that I am just now getting around to ... "I want to know 7 weird or random things about you but instead of writing them down I want you to express them through pictures."
So here we go:

1. I can't have enough green plates ...

1. I collect green dishes

2. I have never met a cardboard box I could get rid of.

2. Never met a box I could throw away

3. I have many, many white pots to plant grass in (and keep buying more).

3. Keep lots of white pots to grow grass in

4. I collect small bottles and vases.

4. Collecting bottles and small vases

5. I love dead bugs and people mail or bring them to me from all over.

5. Obsessed with dead bugs

6. I can't throw out a tube of toothpaste until it is utterly, completely emptied.

6. Must emtpy tubes before I can throw them away

7. I love collecting odd, glass salt & pepper sets.

7. Collecting odd glass salt & pepper sets

Carissa, are you totally bored now? ;)


  1. How could anyone be bored with such a beautiful photolog? Gorgeousness!

  2. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Wondeful!i love it, give us more...

  3. Not bored one bit dear! Great pictures! Love the old glass bottles and the dead bugs. Glad to know I am not the only one with dead bugs carefully saved for some unknown future project.. hugs thanks for playing...

  4. the dead bug is so awesome. :)

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Kim - I'll add to your salt shakers but you'll need a pod for the rest & an addition to your house - your collections are already great - just think if you had more room!


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