Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Resource Center

You might find this a boring post ... In my ongoing quest to learn css and flash, I need a place to store all of these fantastic resource sites I find. I will be adding to this always.

CSS Tricks and Tips

Designers Toolbox

Css Zen Garden

Digital Web Magazine

A List Apart

Cascading Style Sheets on

Teach yourself CSS in 10 minutes


Web Video Blogger

Adobe Design Center, video workshops

Adobe Developer Connection


  1. I don't think it's boring! Useful info is always welcome and it seems as if I'm forgetting everything I've learned. Is it possible that my brain can only hold so much stuff that when I learn something new something old has to fall out?
    Thanks for these links.

  2. I highly recommend for their video tutorials. It's an affordable monthly fee for all the tutorials that you can watch. You can 'sample' most of the tutorial sets. They will have 3-6 publicly accessible videos in each section. Typically its good, succinct and taught by folks who know their stuff.

  3. *can* you learn CSS in 10 minutes???

  4. i have a member of for a long time, yes, Sarah, it is great ... and I have it at home hoping my son will watch those tutorials as well!

    s'mee ... I cant, no!


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