Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Love in blooms

Mom asked me about the Red Charm peony that ran in the Rocky Mountain News tonight, and I looked it up on their website -- Love in blooms. It looks really blurry and I sent her what I thought was a good, solid copy!

And my entry for today's macro will be the moss I saw on a tree. Large view here.


And more ranunculus ... even a macro for consideration for my challenge.

pretty petals

juicy center


  1. These are so gorgeous!

    Actually... I was really close to going to Art Fest this year, Anahata invited me to come with her... but I was traveling the week before and needed to get back to work so--- it wasn't in the cards. I'm sad I missed meeting you!

  2. oh my goodness...i just love your photos...they are so gorgeous...

    tell your mom i said hi...

  3. amen to above comments!

  4. I really, really love that bottom photo. I think you should make a book full of just your flower macros...I would flip through it every day for inspiration!


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