Wednesday, April 09, 2008

ArtFest 2008

I have always found it difficult to put the experiences I have had at ArtFest into words. This year is no exception. Firstly, seeing beloved, far-away friends, only if once a year, is so intense and delicious. One tries to cram so many words, feelings and moments into one small space to savior them for later... by the time I am driving friends back to the airport it is almost a faded memory and we are off to the next day, to work, to family, to the commute full of traffic jams, laundry and putting away all of our tools. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Then there is the ArtFest part of the journey. I truly enjoyed my classes this year. Linda & Opie O'Brien, Susan Lenart-Kazmer and Thomas Ashman. They were all completely energetic and determined for us to finish a project and learn some tricks in the process. I made a Dada Doll, a journal, a couple of rings. Christina and I later ran to the jewelry supply store determined we might be jewelers some day. When we both know that the next time we see each other, in a year, that we will have probably not have even opened the packages we purchased that day.

This year my extra treat was being able to meet Michelle and get to show her a small slice of Seattle for a day. Michelle, an esteemed writer and photographer ... is a petite, quiet, shy, all-sweetness, beautiful woman who would rather "take it all in" than talk about her talents. Meeting beloved blogger friends can be an surreal experience ... we know each other so well through comments, phone calls and photos ... but getting to sit and look at that person from a across a table, listen to that person is quite a different matter. I loved watching her drink in the sights and sounds of Seattle. And I wish I could see what she sees when pulls her camera toward her eye. She is talented and wonderful in so many ways.

And having Christina here from Montreal. We talked all year via IM. I feel like I have known here my entire life. She is the kind of person that we all flocked to like moths to a flame. And we got to see and visit with Francine, who has the eye, heart and soul of an innocent child.

Seeing the incredible Liz, very talented Kelly Rae and her lovely mom. It all feels like a family reunion with people you would actually want to be your family! There were many folks missing this year that I thought would be there ... but it is so easy for me to attend. If I had to get on a plane to get to ArtFest ... I might not make it either. And there are so many on my list that I am dying to be here with us! Maybe next year.

Then after sleeping (or not sleeping) on terrible mattresses, having toilets where the doors will not close because of your knees, sharing wine in the common areas, laughing, creating, hauling heavy tool bags up and down stairs ... it seems to be over before it started. But I am so grateful that Tara talked me into going to ArtFest many years ago and that I have been able to experience it for three years.

So one more Artfest for me. Another year. Another wonderful experience. Thank you all!


  1. I wish I could have been there, I'm starting to feel so left out from reading everyone's wonderful experiences on their blogs.

  2. ... in my dreams ... one day. As for all those names you mentioned, even just READING their blogs alone, sight never seen, they fill a space in a life. It feels good. I enjoyed your sensitive recounting of your experience... xo LindaSonia

  3. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I wish I would have crossed your path, if only just to thank you for mentioning me on your beautiful blog. I'm glad you had such a good time. I did too.

  4. One of the highlights last year was the party on the last night and meeting you there. Yes we got a quick hello in the parking lot this year but I did miss a longer visit. You stand out as a special person in my memory. Maybe next year. :-)

  5. How thoughtful of you to remember me, Kim! What a crazy tight schedule that was. Hopefully our paths will cross again in the future.

    I'd love to see the pieces you worked on in your classes if you will share them with us. I am still unpacking and reverberating from ArtFest. I haven't had time to let it all sink in and sort my thoughts yet.

  6. How do I get on the email list so I can go?? Is it in Seattle every year? If so, I was born there, but haven't been back since I was just 3 months old. Seems like a perfect excuse to return to my beginnings, like some sort of photo-salmon. ;)

  7. it was so great to see your beautiful face is always such a good feeling to see old friends at the picture of you & ellen..xox


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