Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sick ... (And Tired)

I loved Bill Cosby's quote from one of his sketches ... "sick" ....... "and tired" from many years ago.

Have had the flu. Then lots of catching up at work from being sick.

Missed my dental appointment, my CSS class (rescheduled), but tonight made it to Women in the Mix: Mixed Media exhibit at ArtsNow gallery where Tara and friends had lots of wonderful work.

Binky Bergsman - encaustic painting and mixed media collage
Lisa Jones-Moore - mixed media art and encaustic collage
Delorse Lovelady - mixed media art and watercolors
Wendy Lee Lynds - encaustic painting and collage
Tara Ross - mixed media altered art and fabric journal
Sue Robertson - mixed media painting and collage
Siew Chin - life sized metal kimono and Venetian masks/mixed media. Can't find a website, but her work was wonderful.

I wonder when I will make time for myself to do some art and get into some show! Those are my thoughts for tonight.

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