Saturday, March 22, 2008

Baseball Haircut

Grandma Post. A late Birthday present for Peggy ....

baseball haircut

baseball haircut


  1. Oh, my gosh! He looks so mature and really good looking! We can see those eyes. I like the top picture best.

  2. omg, Kimmer - he's looking so grown-up and he's so handsome! And yet he still looks like the wee lad I first saw in 1992. Sweet! You must be bursting with pride. :)

  3. Holy moly...what happened to that 3-year-old I met so many years ago?! I'm totally freaking out...he's looking like a MAN instead of a little youngster. What a cutie...are you beating the girls back from your door yet?

  4. So handsome! Gad they clean up nice don't they?

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Kim -This is my third try - I'm about to give up. I'm sure you could hear my shout when I opened your blog to see the handsome young lad looking back at me. Thanks - you are a jewel. GPMC

  6. my wish for you is a wonderful baseball season- i remember the joy(and some less than joyful lessons)of that great sport....memories!!


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