Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Webloggers Meetup

I finally came out of my introverted shell and made it to the The Seattle Weblogger Meetup Group. I am so glad I did. It was a great group of folks. I can't wait until the next one! ') Here are a few of the members I met tonight.

Karen Anderson's Writer Way

Jack William Bell's Antigravitas - it's like living with your weird uncle, the one with all the science journals.

Not Totally Rad, shedding invisible light on medical imaging.

Maven on the Move


  1. LOve your Blog wish I could have made it to the meeting! Thanks for sharring your great eye with us all! Take Care Lorie

  2. Yay! Good for you! Sounds like fun!

  3. Hi Kim - It was nice to meet you that night Kim. Thank you for welcoming me and my daughter, who probably should have been home in bed. I look forward to really getting a chance to chat next time. - Natasha


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