Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Self Portrait Tuesday 02.19

Self-Portrait Challenge Blue No. 3 ... wearing blue glasses in constant grey weather can cheer up your eyes and lift your spirits (although my friend Lisa says I look really mad in this ... I am not really).

SPT Blue No. 3


  1. cool self portrait! Those glasses remind me of Dracula in Brahm Stokers Dracula when he is walking around London. Love em!

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    cool photo. i don't think you look mad as much as busy especially the movement combined with your expression.

  3. LONG time girly!!!What a COOL SURPRISE! to seeeeee YOU on my comments! Last time I saw YOU was on Twitter! I LOVE your glasses! Happy week sweetie!

  4. you look totally cool and unawares!
    happy to see you!


  5. The glasses look great on you, Kim.

    You look like you're road raging.


  6. super cool shades...i used to have a purple pair...

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I like this pic, the wind arousing your hair and the self-strength projected in the pic is great - open car window is great.

  8. thank you everyone! I liked this challenge so trying to do it this month driving to work ;)


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