Monday, January 28, 2008

Rockin' Rings

I am crazy for rings and rocks, and this has to be the perfect combination for me from Switzerland's Mirca Maffi, seen below.

Plastic color by Claudia Correa Noe.

Universal Connections rings (below) from Dialog5.

all above via the always wonderful Carrot Box.

Eleanor Salazar's adorable rings called poolballrings, made from billiard balls. Adorable!

Mark Vaarwerk makes rings from plastic bags and bottles! I love these horn stackable, affordable rings from Old Beads

Two Russian designers, Stas Zhitsky and Sergei Kuzhavsk have created some fun and wonderful rings, Jody Work's O-U Ring Lite from Studio 1am.

Karl Fritsch organic and rough rings

Barbara Uderzo's "Succulent" Ring, sculpture wood, earth, small succulent.


  1. I love these rings especially plastic color.

    How is the snow for you today?

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    These rings have "class".
    slow down and enjoy the moment Kim. - Savor the time Matt is still at home - he will get to College. we'll all chip in 5 bucks and with Bob's extended family he'll have spending money! Bless you dear and our prayers are for an ease in your traveling time. Lv yuall.
    Come visit we have snow and teen temperatures. It's WINTER. GMC

  3. hello, I'm claudia correa and you can see my work in


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