Sunday, January 20, 2008

For Free

First I would like to say thank you to all of you out there that extend yourselves, your work or ideas ... and then give it to us, for free! I always feel like a kid in a candy store when I come across such wonderful resources. It is very generous.

Meggiecat is posting again! We missed you, welcome back wonderful friend.

A full set of professionally designed icons for web applications for all ASP.NET developers for free!

12 Pixey (The Daily Design Resource) hi-res paper scans and 250 free patterns, for free. Beautiful patterns from Squid Fingers.

7 Illustrator Tutorials, 100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes from Smashing Magazine

Design Shrine has lots of resources and Pixeleye Germany, visual resource

Roundup of Design Galleries and a source for free icons, iconspedia via xyberneticos.

It is a good thing I don't have too much time, because I could spend alot of it on Colour lovers blog, I love colour.

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