Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Few Cute Things

Delicious old phones ... there must be 10 on that site that I want! Via Jenn Ski Studio Blog. Classic head knockers and this modern time gear clock found on DesignBoom. Do you remember how much I love this dandelight and also these five minute candles. Tanya Aguiniga felt chairs.


  1. oooh, pink and plastic - that's the phone for me! I want it!

  2. Wow, I loved all those old phones! Thanks for the link :)

  3. So weird... I was just looking at this site last weekend. A few years back I passed up on a rotary red phone, and I've never forgotten it. I'm thinking I need one now. Could of had it for $1.00... My mom said I'd regret it one day and she was right. (as usual)


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