Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wrapping Up Christmas

Got our Christmas cards printed today ... late ... but at least it is not after Christmas. Family trickling in. This year we decided to recycle our own posessions for gifts. Give someone something that you love but are not using anymore. That is an easy task for me, I have lots of stuff I love, don't use anymore and I know someone in my family will get some use out of it. My sister-in-law is always easy to shop/give to but one confession ... I did buy her something new at Fiber Fest vendor night. I started wrapping up Christmas tonight.

Christmas is here

wrapping up Christmas

wrapping up Christmas


  1. Happy holidays Kim! And a wonderful, creative new year.

  2. so pretty,,,, and I love that snowflake tag what a good idea.....


  3. Great idea! Pretty packages as well! Merriest of Christmases Kim and many memorable blessings in the new year. hugs.


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