Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Patterns, Other Things That Make Me Happy

Back to my Saturday morning that was ... I bought a book the other night, Metal Clay and Mixed Media Jewelry by Sherri Haab for Tara and myself to look through. Remember, a couple of months ago we took a PMC class? Found so many great links in the index of that book like, Happy Day Art, Lazertran Transfer Papers for artists, Harbor Freight tool store. Helpful tips on Art Clay World. Jewelry by Shahasp Valentine.

Found this Skye Lines pattern on JuJu Loves Polka Dots which lead me to purchase this fabulous Cross-Over Top pattern by Kayla Kennington for myself! I also like Fault Lines by Diane Ericson. I probably will want Elle Shirt & Pant as well ... maybe I could have them made for me?

Jeanne Williamson is the The Uncommon Quilter.

Anna Maria Horner's great blog and making super circles.

Patchwork Pincushion by Heather Bailey and Primrose Design.

1 comment:

  1. coming to your site makes me happy! :). so glad your mom is home and well. and thank you for sharing so much inspiration here. the other day i browsed through the work by that ornament book jar artist -ryuta iida- you mentioned and it really did something to make me want to strive for more and do better with myself.


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