Sunday, December 30, 2007

Let's Make It A Great 2008!

Happy New Year


  1. I second that Kim! I wish you and your family a wonderful New Years tomorrow and the whole year through. I'm glad to see that your mom is looking well and you're having a relaxing holiday.

  2. Happy early New Year! Love your illustration, as usual! Wish you and your family the best in 2008!

  3. A very Happy New Year to you and your family, Kim. I'm glad your mom is doing well.

  4. happy new year to you and your family! so glad you are part of my day

  5. Happy New Year, Kim! Sending you best wishes for 2008.

  6. Happy New Year, Kim!
    I keep visiting your blog all the time, thanks for the inspiration and I hope all will continue to go well for you Mom. And of course the rest of your family, too!

  7. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Happy New Year, Kim!!! Here's to many creative endeavors in the new year. And more hydrangeas. Don't we all need more of those? :)

  8. Anonymous3:25 AM

    New Year is the perfect time to revive old ties and pamper the present bonds with beautiful gifts and i like to buy them on 1-800-Flowers.Com, FTD and Jackson&Perkins stores..

  9. Happy and creative New Year 2008 to you too! I look forward to another year of beautiful photography.


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