Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Crackers!

This is really a family Kansas/Texas family post. We had a grand night of food and games after a wonderful Christmas day. Guest include my sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mother/father-in-law (no links available ;0 ) and my mom.

K and M at Christmas Dinner

Christmas Crackers!

Christmas Crackers!

Christmas Crackers!

Christmas Crackers!

Christmas Crackers

Christmas Crackers!


  1. Aww, everyone looks so well! And how nice you take family portraits on these occasions!

  2. Your mom is so adorable. Glad she is doing well.

    M has on a great sweater. I covet those giant sweaters.

  3. Beautiful photographs. So wonderful to see you all looking so well and happy. Love ya. miss you.

  4. Your family photo's always are so warm and inviting... These especially make one wish for an invite!!

    Glad you could be all together and enjoying each other during the holidays!!

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Really great Christmas pictures Kim, everyone looks so happy.


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