Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Self-Portrait Tuesday 11.06.07

"What I wear" is the theme this month ... I am wearing my favorite colors, a hazely-golden-green (something like this: khaki4: 0c 4m 44y 45k)(or Hex: #808000) various shades of grey and black, reflecting the foggy mood of this fall today. Go check out what others are wearing at Self-Portrait Challenge.

Self-Portrait Tuesday 11.06.07


  1. gorgeous colors. i love how you figured out their codes, too!

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I think the weather insert fits perfectly. Such a cozy sweater/SPC!

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    nice idea beautifully executed

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    great colors for this season.
    and I like the swatches.

  5. Love what you did with this. Great job!

  6. I love how you crop pictures and then re-establish them as a single image. How do you do that?

    I love that green!

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    i love how you did this...and love the colors together.

  8. Thank you one and all! I spared you my hair do today, and you should thank me! ;)

    Scott ... I had three photos. I cropped one, and changed the size to something manageable, then added to the canvas and brought in the other photos ... if you ever need ... I can talk you through it via phone ;) (I do this kind of stuff all day at work ;0

  9. this is beautiful!


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