Thursday, November 29, 2007


The last of the rose petals find themselves in an experiment today.

a delicate love


  1. Kim, I'm so glad your mom is doing better. I read your blog almost daily so I feel like I know you guys. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Such a wonderful photo. I love it.

  2. this is a beautiful photo, such a peaceful calm about it.

  3. Another stunningly beautiful photo!

  4. That's so beautiful. If you didn't know it was a rose petal you might thinkit was pale,delicate, skin with a tattoo.
    Just checking in to see how your gorgeous Mom is doing. Your story about helping the lady in the room touched me and made me think of when Pop was in the nursing home. He was blind and I would go every day at noon to help him with his lunch. These places being short staffed as they are-I usually wound up helping the other guys with various things as well. I still get choked up thinking about how grateful they were for small things-even just the company and conversation. All a part of that rich tapestry.

  5. You put a rose petal in an old typewriter;) Wouldn't that be something - a love poem written entirely on rose petals.

    Good to hear your mom is feeling better.


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