Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sunrise Sunset

When it stopped raining in March about 4 years ago ... I asked, "Doesn't anyone find this a little odd?" Then it happened the next March and the rain didn't come in September like it had for 13 years. And now, here we are in October with blue skies and it worries me for the Pacific Northwest. Although it allows for some beautiful sunrises and sunsets ... it doesn't feel right somehow. It is suppose to be grey, with mist floating around mascarading as rain. The roads are suppose to be slick and the traffic even more terrible because we in the PNW don't know how to drive in rain. Folks that haven't lived here very long say, hurray, it isn't raining! But this area needs the moisture to maintain the lovely environment we have. And I worry.

drive by sunset

Mr. Rainier with a reflection. Taken driving across 520 bridge ... so this is an artistic view. The sky was glorious and Mt. Rainier, which is rarely seen because of cloud cover, was clearly in view, reflecting in pink water.

Clear Rainier

drive by sunset


  1. all those colors are breath taking...

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    It's a strange world, we have never had so much rain as last summer. In the south of spain there were floods , people even drowned this month.


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