Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lavender At Dusk

It seems I am only taking photos behind the wheel of my truck. With my main computer down ... I am finding random photos on many different computers. I came home at dusk the other night dying to shoot something.

lavender at dusk


  1. omg, don't "shoot" me! LOL!!!!


  2. Even though you sound busy and tired, worry about no rain ... what you find to stop and shoot is still so wonderful, really great pauses for my days, like this photo. I am partial to little purple flowers, though.

    I think .. you should be part of the Small is Beautiful gang. And that when you have a few moments, to share seven random (I hear groaning somewhere..) facts about you! See my post:

    Hang in there!

  3. will go see that Wendee, thanks for your kind words and invitation ...



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