Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Exquisite Stuff I Can't Afford

I have a new "space" mate at work (not really an office), a very talented guy (and his photographer partner) who introduced me to mary & lou ann jewelers. Love their work!

Tonight, I finally got to flip through the new issue of House & Garden ... while on the throne. Most of my magazine-reading time takes place there hence they are all piled in a teetering stack. Found Ann Carrington, Cora Ginsburg, Dulken & Derrick flowers, de Vera objects and Bardith. Thankfully, looking is free ;). I need to go make dinner and do some work. I don't know where this week has gone!


  1. stunning jewelry.

    I am going through boxes from my move 3.25 years ago, and I bit the bullet and threw away stacks of magazines, including several French Marie Claire Maisons I'd paid $15-ish for. I love that stuff, but the accumulation of magazines is killing me. Unless it's something I need to use for reference in bead/jewelry making or silver smithing, I'm pretty much gonna ash-can it. I'm so addicted to the glossy paper, but I've let some of my subscriptions lapse, and that feels like progress.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    beautiful. thanks for sharing! check your e-mail!

  3. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Love that jewelry, too!


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