Friday, October 26, 2007

Big Moon

This isn't a great photo, but I had to document how big, full the moon was this morning (and last night). It felt unusually close to earth.

big moon


  1. Love the fact we are all looking at the same moon, hope we'll have a clear sky tonight. Nice blog, I'll be back :)

  2. Awesome Picture! I missed it the other night. Im just browsing blogs and that pic caught my eye. Its amazing to think everyone sleeps under the same sky.

  3. it's a gorgeous photo...

    this morning on our way out the door i said to britt, 'look at how beautiful the moon is'...who would have known...we were looking at the same moon...

  4. It was a lovely sight here in California, as well.
    Quite a nice Halloween gift.

  5. isn't it wonderful to think we probably all looked up at the moon about the same time and sighed ;)

    You guys are so right


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