Thursday, September 27, 2007

Murder and Men - Just The Ticket

I might have to put this on my “to-do” list. “Murderers” by Jeffrey Hatcher.

The Women” by Clare Boothe Luce will be showing at ACT theatre, October 11 - November 18. “The Women” is one of my all-time favorite movies! (Remember "Jungle Red" nail polish?) I don’t think there is a man in the movie but the story is all about relationships gone bad with men. Norma Shearer never looked more beautiful and Joan Crawford plays a role that I suppose is more like her true character.

“Sharpen your claws: In this super-stylish, venomously funny 1930s comedy, a baker’s dozen of Seattle’s top actresses play a group of gleefully backstabbing women who confront marriage, gossip, divorce and friendship—all over a manicure. Beneath the tart tongues and arched eyebrows is a serious consideration of the not-so-good-old days, and of what women are left with when culture strips them of power. You’ve come a long way, baby. Mee-ow.”


  1. I got a copy of The Women in my Joan Crawford boxed set last year. I hadn't seen it in years-wonderful dialog. I got Mildred Pierce too. I adore that movie. The family gave me a Bette Davis boxed set with Mr Skeffington that I loved seeing again and Jezebel. Wow-whoda thunk Bette could be so pretty. She was downright lovely in Jezebel.
    How are you Dear? I just got back from vacation-too much good food-I feel like a weeble

  2. I could loan you my complete set of Charlie Chan movies!

    I am good. Busy, too busy. Wow, vacation, will email you and get the goods. ;)


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