Saturday, September 22, 2007

Feels Like Fall

Walking down the street at sunset, the breath of the breeze stopped me in my tracks. I stood there for many minutes taking in smells, fall, fresh air, a fire just started. It was all too much and I almost cried. I think I missed summer, it is almost over and never sun-bathed in my backyard once! My therapist tells me we are not robots, but I am starting to disagree with him on the matter.

fall cup

I have been under the weather the last couple of days. This afternoon I felt a little better, ventured out to the Edmonds Saturday Market. Ran across a brochure about the Edmonds Art Studio Tour. When I drove mom to church, there was a house right there involved in the studio tour. I didn't look much like visiting with others but I was very interested in seeing what this was all about. Jackie Van Noy was the artist, her work was wonderful, light, colorful and made me smile. If I am feeling up to it, will hit all the studios tomorrow.

My friends, Katie and Doug, had their baby last night! Can't wait to meet Rowan!

The hydrangeas are ready to be cut. The blue ones are turning that great green. Deep magenta. Dark purple. The entire yard needs tending. Honeysuckle and grapes are growing on the roof right now.

Blue hydrangea goes green

Miniature lilacs are turning a wonderful mix of browns.

lilac in the rain

The neighbors gave us lots of cute, little tomatoes.

and I saw yellow

I finally took the summer paper lanterns down adorning the dining room ceiling. They are the perfect decoration, easy to hang and store.



  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

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  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    HI Kim, So sorry to hear you are under the weather.I hope you will start feeling better soon.The colors in the photos are beautiful.Hope we all have a nice Indian Summer.

  3. I'm having similar feelings this weekend... summer just ended far too soon this year!

    Again... let me say how awed I am by your photographs. Everytime I stop by here I am blown away by beauty.

  4. Hope you're feeling better. Just love your photo captures of Fall - beautiful.

  5. thank you all! feeling better. And it is even very cold today ;)


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