Monday, September 03, 2007

Blog Action Day

What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day? One issue. One day. Thousands of voices. Blog Action Day found via Patricia at papersome.


  1. okay this has nothing to do with your post but i just had to tell you...

    guess what i did today???

    i mailed my registration for ArtFest!!! will you be there? will i finally get to meet you?

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    hey that is a really cool idea. i think i'll participate. thanks for sharing this. can't believe it is already going to be October soon.

  3. Dear KIm, thanks for your warm answer, I really love your work, and I have been thinking about adding your blog to my list of links, if you agree. I´ll visit your blog often and..¡¡¡ hasta pronto!!!!

  4. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hi Kim, I've just nominated you for an Inspirational Blogger Award. Head over to my blog for more info.

  5. Anonymous10:36 PM

    @Kirsty Hall : where can I vote?

  6. Hi Kim...Just poppin in to see how you are??? and what you've been up to???? YOU and YOUR blog have always been among my FAVORITES! :-)

  7. ah, you guys! Kristy, Judy ... I am touched. I didn't even have time to look at my blog yesterday! Patricia, but of course, and me do the same ;)

    Michelle, I will be calling you later today!

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I got your email but I was afraid to reply in case it took us another year to communicate. ;) I knew the msg got lost in the shuffle after your illness last year. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo. My Mac's hard drive croaked and took all the photos from that trip with it. Glad one got away!
    All my best, Rachel

  9. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I am a bit sceptical about the thousand voices. What, if every blogger DID (not just post) something about the environment?


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