Wednesday, August 08, 2007

As Seen In

Is is chilly outside! Someone is complaining about it and I feel completely lucky that most of the U.S is boiling hot and I am sipping hot chocolate and needing a little wrap around my shoulders. Brilliant!

Blaise Hayward

Robb Kendrick

Chuck Shotwell

Paolo Pellegrin

David Field

Kate Quinby as seen in Communication Arts, Photography Annual 48.


  1. Global warming global cooling ...does one ever think it might just be the CIRCLE OF LIFE? I get hot flashes then I get cold...Why in the name of ol' Mother earth should she, this gracious planet, yielder of all that is beneficial to my growth and slightly "over-growth" be different than me?

    Great blog! : )


  2. Anonymous12:50 AM

    I am very envious of your chilly weather. Texas, as usual, is way way too hot for my taste. Have a cup of hot chocolate for me?

  3. will do Angela! (it is cold this morning too .... brrrr)

  4. Anonymous12:11 AM

    I'm loving the cooler weather here! I talked to my daughter early evening and it was nearly 100 where she lives.

    BTW... I love Robb Kendrick's cowboy photography!


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