Monday, July 23, 2007

Swell Shell

Martha Stewart had a segment on shell art today. David Rhyne, Bill Jordon, Sailors Valentines, Susan Lloyd, Sailor's Valentine Studio: Sandy Moran, Judy Dinnick. Seashell art (.com). Sea Shell Art Frame. Shell fantasy The Ocean Room. (ps, I am still working on my seashell art hidden somewhere in the depths of my garage)


  1. My friend Kathy just blogged about a shell artist she stumbled on in Maine. Only two pictures, but amazingly inspiring. Check it out here

  2. Oh Kim! You know my fondness for shells and my desire to work with them. I can't wait to get back to work next year. I am hoping to make more frames, specifcally for the guest and master baths.
    I have these links already, but WOW, aren't they inspirational???


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