Sunday, July 08, 2007


July 7 started out productive and busy for me. Ran some errands with Tara, grocery shopped with mom, went house-warming-present-shopping for my friend's party that night. Then came home and started feeling flu-ish, sore throat and thought if I just laid down I would feel better in an hour. Which was not the case. Gave up the party idea, took drugs, laid down and watched Live Earth concerts and the blog. So in honor of being green ... simple acts of green via vegas and venus. Sew Green. Green Tip of the Day and A Green Truth: 5 Things to Buy. The Green Guide.

Seven Magazine and Number Seven via Inspire Me Thursday (I am sorry I don't have time to participate in Inspire Me Thursday anymore!)

1 comment:

  1. hi kim, we missed you last night. hope you're feeling better!


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