Saturday, June 30, 2007

Urban Art

My son longs to be a graffiti artist. Living in a house with two artist, he never exhibited much interest until he discovered the art of graffiti and he was hooked. He spends alot of time online searching out sites and creating graffiti online. I spend alot time trying to figure out how he can apply that to his time off this summer without getting arrested for defacing property. He is really quite good at it and comes up with some great looks and "throw-ups". I know that graffiti can be very collectible and I would love for him to paint something he can keep. Create a font? Cards? T-Shirts? We have bought and set-up boards at the house for him paint on. Go looking for "free walls". So while looking for some urban art classes for him during the summer, I ran across some great sites. Students create urban archive and The Vera Project.

Banksy in the UK, Work Horse Visuals and lots of graffiti art links here.

Julian C. Duron, vivivi and Farmer's Bob Farm.

Bill Dunlap and this painting. Parskid and limited edition giclee prints.

cutfold studio, myplasticheart, Stoopy Booshy.

1 comment:

  1. i was watering for a couple here in town, and she had a friend paint the side of her garage. you could see while sitting on there deck. wasn't graffiti per say, but she should start seeing if he can do sides of garages, etc. something that the owner wants to view while relaxing the the backyard.


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