Monday, June 18, 2007

Self-Portrait -- Commuting

I feel like I am living a little "hell" right now with me driving to work during the worst commuting time of morning and afternoon.



  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I drive a paratransite bus twice a week and driving in down town Seattle during the 5 o'clock hour can be hellish. I am not complaining because I do love my job and heck I get paid to do it. For you I would suggest listening to your favorite music or books on tape. If you have access to a savy teenager have them down load This American Life or other radio shows you may have missed on NPR.It could help.

  2. Thank you Jenny ... I do I do! And it really helps. I think if I did have This American Life to listen to at will, that would help. But I love KUOW ... and sometimes, I just turn everything off and have some well-deserved silence ;) And dream my dreams ;)


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