Saturday, June 09, 2007

Paris Is Making Me Burn

Honestly, I have never been so disgusted with us, as news providers, as a country, as human beings ... as I was yesterday with the "Paris is ordered back to jail" fiasco! Even KUOW had a little blurb on this ... and I thought, NO, please, stop. I have heard and seen enough. Stiff upper lip, Paris, do your time and get on with your cushy little life ... and Please, stay out of the news. We can't stand much more.


  1. I agree! It's almost as if George Bush is running that show too!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *note to self - must proof-read comments before posting*

    You know, generally the conspiracy theorists strike me as full of crap, but twiddling the am dial yesterday, I heard something that made a lot of sense to me. The person was in full-rant mode, and said "Always follow the money. How could anyone benefit financially from Paris being in the news all the time?" He went on to say that Rupert Murdoch, media mogul, owns the tv network that Paris' tv show is broadcast from. Also, RM owns news broadcast networks on tv AND radio (remember when it was illegal for someone to own so much media for fear that the news would be manipulated?). SO, if all this buzz results in even higher viewership for her crap show, then who benefits? RM.

    Like I said, I tend to snort at conspiracy theories in general, but it's obnoxious that this is getting prime time air time. On the other hand, I appreciate that there was some cursory effort to reverse the leniency and make her stand accountable. Most celebrity/rich kids are useless pieces of crap, anyway. We are meant to pay for the "entertainment"(?) of watching them flout the mores and laws of society whilst they chew through the scenery? Boring and annoying.

    I hope she goes for a ride with a guy named Dodi in Paris, is all I'm saying...

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    well i must say, i don't know why it makes me smile...shame on me...i was first appalled by the change (of law it appeared), and angry...but then i catch myself with a little smile forming on the corner of my lips...hmmm....must look into that more deeply, perhaps there is still a little jealousy left over from high school...but neither here nor there, hasn't anyone taught her to hold her head up high and accept the blow as a lady would?

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I understand that trop is too much.Anyway your judicial system seems to work, where as here alas...

  6. Ha Karan, Maybe if they would jail Paris and Bush .. IN the same jail cell? That might be a story ... they could bore each other to death..

    Rita. You make me laugh so hard ... and you know, after thinking about that "follow-the-money" conspiracy ... is making as much sense as us just watching her on as she is carted away in the police car and photographers are being run over by that car ... it ... could ... be!

    Yes, Diane, I do find myself giggling just a little. I mean, come on, it is 45 days of isolation, sleepying and reading books .. how bad can that be? a rest, a respite from the glamour and hi life ;)

    ah, Judy, can we send Paris over there? Would your country accept her? maybe she could find her way into your system ;)

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    When I got to work that day, I found out there was talk of putting her on Page One. I was gagging!!! If I wanted to work at US Weekly, I would. We ended up putting the story inside the paper. It makes me so aggravated that people are more interested in these crap stories than anything that actually has real resonance in their lives- like coverage on the US attorneys flap, the war, the immigration bill etc etc.


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