Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I Love Poppies

I love the paper-like quality of the petals. I love how all of those petals can emerge from such a small space. I love the colors. I love the long stems holding the flower to the sky ... little hairs covering it. I love how the unopened bud will bow its head while the flowering one has its moment in the sun. I love the shape of the seed pods. I love the way the seed pods are channeled, the way they release their seeds. I bought some more to plant. Some from last years crop have disappeared from the garden.



  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I love poppies too Kim, they look so fragile yet put on such a show. Beautiful shot!

  2. Hi Kim Girl!!!! I love poppies also....the crepe looking petals...and the colors....divine! :-)

  3. i love your photo and your description.

  4. Oh, I am a huge poppy fan too- and it is poppy season in my garden right now. Your photo is beautiful- I know how hard it is to photograph them.

  5. Your photography is fabulous, and I love the camouflage collage-very vintagey!

  6. the camo collage is touching-thanks. in our garden the poppies dissappeared. They were my MILs favorite and became mine. When she passed away it's almost as if she took them with her-I must get some more of my own. so very beautiful

  7. "poppies! poppies!"

    One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies, one of my favorite flowers!


  8. I love every stage of the Iceland poppy - absolutely enchanting flower. How did those fragile, papery petals come out of that other-worldly, whiskery little brutish face of a bud? And have you ever picked apart a dry seed pod? I call them seed condominiums, because it's like a high-rise apartment building in miniature. All the little chambers stacking the seeds upward, waiting for the lift of an accommodating breeze to liberate the seeds and spread the beauty!


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