Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Borrowing Books

My good friend at work is a book fiend, like me, and she is always generous in sharing her new purchases. Some I have really enoyed.

Metal Craft Discovery Workshop: Create Unique Jewelry, Art Dolls, Collage Art, Keepsakes and More! This is an amazing book.

New Directions in Altered Books by Gabe Cyr

Beyond Paper Dolls featuring Melissa McCobb Hubbell

Pretty Little Things: Collage Jewelry, Trinkets, Keepsakes by Sally Jean Alexander.

From the library:

Crafting Personal Shrines by Carol Owen.

The Salvage Sisters' Guide to Finding Style in the Street and Inspiration in the Attic.

The Art of Jewelry Design: From Idea to Reality

And my recent purchase:

Fabulous Jewelry from Found Objects: Creative Projects, Simple Technique, featuring my favorite artist, Jane Wynn ;)

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