Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Welcome Aboard

Go tell Alison hello, she has started herself a blog.

I am a colour lover, if I could remember my password ;)

I am so glad my neighbors have dogwoods.

dogwood, up close and personal

dogwood looking to sky

Laura was cleaning out her garden, planting some new things. We found this ... seed and seedling near the tree. So sweet.


Now, I have so much to do today -- I must get busy.


  1. Wow.

    I never looked at a dogwood quite this way.

    They are beatiful.

    but your photos show me JUST HOW beautiful.

    I love coming here and seeing allllll of your gorgeous photos ! thank you thank you thank YOU.


  2. I have just discovered your blog and look forward to exploring it... so many beautiful things. And dogwood--this is something I celebrate here in my room, pressed pictures in frames--I love this tree, and we planted one when we first bought our house two years ago and I'm thrilled it is still continuing to thrive... so small I am still taller than this twiggy blossom.

  3. Thank you alina, Sandy and M ... I just love those dogwoods, always driving past them with "something" to do, something more important. But the other day, I just stopped myself! with a camera in hand!
    Hey M, great blog! Thank you Kim


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