Tuesday, May 15, 2007

More Coffee Perhaps

I remember hearing this story and thinking “why is Paul Wolfowitz even allowed to stay with the World Bank?” I thought the story got more bizarre with his refusal to step down. I mean, hello, corruption? If I gave my boyfriend a big raise at work, I think my employer would fire me, not giving me the option to resign. You think he would have chosen resignation to avoid the deeper investigation, bad press and embarrassment to YET another American actly badly, or at least have the decency to adopt the Japanese attitude that the shame of his actions would leave him with suicide as his only option. What did Rome look like right before the fall? I keep asking myself this question, stupid reality TV shows (If I hear Deal Or No Deal one more time in a TV ad I will scream), pervasive corruption in our government, movie stars making millions and millions of dollars for doing what? Acting? "Don't hate me because I am beautiful" (Cameron, get a REAL job)… the list goes on and on.

Okay, maybe it is a little early for a rant, more coffee perhaps.


  1. Isn't it unbelievable? The corruption, the brazen refusals (Gonzales) to resign when caught? I keep wondering how much longer they can sustain it. Glad you wrote about this.

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    i keep wondering about rome and the fall too.

  3. Trust me the English are just as bad, but behind closed doors. Something has got to change soon

  4. this entry is one of the many reasons I've come to adore you from afar. Unfortunately I don't think coffee will help this particular affront to our intelligence. Happy to hear that there's another person who is ready to hire a hit on Howey Mandel-
    As for Washington, D.C.-hard to know where to start the bitch slapping


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