Saturday, May 26, 2007

Just Enough Time

Saturdays are ending up incredibly busy. Running errands, driving mom around, meeting with my client, fitting a fun trip to the street market (bought some incredible New Zealand olive oil), hair appointment. Scooter imjured his leg so I have been carrying him up and down the stairs today, terrified that this was it. (He is doing better tonight). I ran out to the backyard to discover I had waited to late to get another bouquet of Snowballs ... they are dropping there petals! So disappointed. One new peony blooming, but something is definitely wrong with them. Must split, move them all of them this year. Must make time and gather energy to work in the yard this weekend. Still working on my color scheme (for townhouses) freelance job and print catalog job ... need to finish them this weekend.

a visitor

frilly pink


  1. Dang Honey, I'm panting just reading about your schedule...I'm picturing you as, whirling dervish, tasmanian devil, spining top, water spout, tornado????
    Don't even respond to this-I'll feel guilty. Hope things calm down soon.

  2. Oh how gorgeous these images are!


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