Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Fulfilling, Exciting Day

Woke up this morning with mom in tears, something terrible going on with the muscles in her neck. My first reaction was that she was having some heart episode and encouraged her to consider going to emergency room. So we headed out. Many hours later, and me reading to her from her Mother's Day present (I found on Port 2 Port and bought from this excerpt I read on her site), we find out it was only tendonitis, no less painful but at least not life threatening.

My mom has been very ill from IBS for the last 5 months. She has lost alot of weight, looks thin, drawn, weak and I have been very worried. So any little abnormalties make me worry even more!

Came home, cuddled up with blankets and watched a couple of movies. Later in the afternoon, M, D and I went off the B&N for browsing magazines and buying books. We bought lots of grafitti and color books. My research for my new color scheme freelance effort. (my son is still awake, reading his new books, after numerous warnings of him going to sleep). Then off the a great dinner.

Mom in bed with her Vicodin and cold pack. All and all it was a good Mother's Day.


  1. I'll hold your mom in lovingkindness practice. It certainly can't hurt, and I believe every act of kindness helps! If you'd like additional lovingkindness for her, please add her name to the list on my blog. I know it isn't easy to watch a loved one in pain, so I'm holding you there too.

  2. i am inspired to hear the gratitude "all in all it was a good mother's day". thanks for reminding me the time we have together is precious- and some times it is happy and sometimes not as easy.

  3. OMG - I'm so relieved it wasn't something more serious. Nonetheless, I hate for D to be in so much pain. I'm glad you had a good day.
    Love you.

  4. sorry to hear your Mom is ill, sending her well wishes.

  5. I'm glad everything turned out okay. Happy belated Mother's Day!

  6. Anonymous12:45 AM

    I hope she is feeling much better now, pain is so undermining.

  7. So sorry your Mom is not feeling well, but at least she has you there. Hope she feels better soon. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you!


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