Tuesday, May 08, 2007


My neigbor hates it, but I like Fotina, especially when it has the new red leaves in the spring. This one was blooming. I caught the last minutes of sunlight. ;)

Fotina in bloom


  1. This image is dazzling... this time of year is magical. To stop and listen and admire the beauty all around us... that is the lesson I must learn.

  2. thank you Terramia ... you are so right about thatz! look and listen!

  3. I definitely agree, there are so many things around us that just need us to stop and look and listen...We just have to do it! Kim thanks for your comment on my blog, I hope you'll come back visiting me sometimes and tell me what you think about my pictures...

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    oh i love it too, you are so good with this macro flower photography!! you could make weeds look glamorous.


  5. Amazing work. And also remarkable variety of equipment to operate... Great!!


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