Monday, May 07, 2007

Chow Babes - 05.06.07

Half of our Chow Babe group met for the May, at a beautiful Japanese style home/garden. This month's theme was "Picnic Food" ... recipes to come. I love our group because we have a healthy difference in ages, enough to admire one another for who we are and where we have been. One Chow Babe (a writer) had a "lemon refrigerator pie" contest going on ... so we all had 6 pieces of pie to taste. To top it off, chilled Limoncello ... then we all went home, full and content.

1/2 of the chow babes

chow babe

a chow babe

a seat under wisteria



  1. cheers! raise a glass to the Limoncelli, good friends and good food!!! :)

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    mmmm...yummy...Limoncello! It brings back lovely sweet memories of hot Tuscan afternoons!

  3. how fun!...and how yummy! wonderful pics


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