Monday, May 21, 2007

Bright Spot

In the blur of driving home completely exhausted. Swearing I would come home and go right to bed! At the store, I did find a couple of bright spots in an otherwise dreary day.

rock rose


  1. They look like delicate crepe paper!

  2. These white poppies look impossibly perfect - exquisite!!!

    Everytime I see your photos I realize I SO under-use my camera.

  3. Oh, just gorgeous!
    I used to buy myself bunches flowers, every once in a while. Something fresh, bright, sweet. I stopped doing that a while ago and wistfully look at the bunches at the market, as I rush past to get to the bananas.. Your photos are like getting a fresh new blossom every few days, a really nice treat for myself. Thank you for posting these and keep 'em coming!

  4. This is just gorgeous, poppies are one of my most favorite flowers and I just bought two more!


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