Friday, May 11, 2007

And This Morning

And this morning, seeking sun.



  1. awesome, awesome photo. your work moves me deeply as well, friend.

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I am speechless, Your photos always take my breath away!

  3. i have never seen flowers photographed more beautifully than your images.... exquisite!

  4. No, there are no more spectacular floral photos anywhere, ever.

    Kim, the last two images paired would be a powerful illustration of renewal, expansion, rebirth. You may have shot it that way unintentionally, but if one were trying to art direct it on purpose it wouldn't have been this great I think! I hope you get to use it.

  5. I am overwhelmed with all of your generosity of thought! Thank you so much.

    I remember when I worked with my photographer friend, Robin ... and we would do projects together at the newspaper. I didn't take any photos except those of my son. Well, we would go on photo shoots .... I would style and have so much fun. But when she called me in to see the selection of photos I she had edited them all down to, it always felt like unwrapping a delicious gifted. I would get so excited looking at each one, each one more spectacular than the previous. I don't equal my work with hers, BUT, I do get that same feeling when I plug in my card to the card-reader, start sifting through the 100's of shots I have taken. Sometimes, they are are terrible. But sometimes, there are a few treasures in there that make me smile, laugh, cry, become completely in love and in awe of nature. So, it fills me with joy when others can see that one or two ... that make you fall in love with nature in a way that maybe we didn't before! Does that make sense?


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