Sunday, April 15, 2007

Walking Around OK Art

Tara and I spent a perfectly inspiring evening in Ballard attending two art shows. The first at OKOK Gallery viewing Kathleen Lolley's solo show of fanciful creatures, bunnies and owls. I wanted to purchase the little owl in the black frame (shown below) but someone beat me to it.

Kathleen Looley

Kathleen Lolley

Kathleen Lolley

Walked 3 blocks to my favorite place in Ballard, Curtis Steiner’s Souvenir to have a peek at Kimber Fisher’s lovely book sculptures. I am sorry to report my camera did not capture ONE of her pieces. Kimber Fisher does not have a website, so you will have to take my word that her small, delicate, distressed books filled with porcupine quills, broken eggs, tiny twigs, thorns, nails, nest, words ... were perfection. And of course, just stepping into Souvenir fills my heart with joy. Then off for food and wine.

Kimber Fisher’s book sculptures

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