Monday, April 09, 2007

The Closer I Look ...

The closer I look, the more amazed I am! Which means I should keep my glasses on more often. At Thanksgiving, my son was watching me draw on my "eyebrows" and I guess one looked a little wonky. I hadn't noticed this because I did not have my magnifying glasses on ... and I was completely stressed because about 25 people were about to descend upon our Thanksgiving table in 5 minutes. My son said, "your eyebrows don't match". I replied "I don't really care". Astounded he said, "You are more worried about the way the Thanksgiving table looks than the fact your eyebrows look weird?" Me : "Yes". End of discussion. (My son exits looking puzzled and embarrassed for me).

I was cleaning up debris from plants in a couple of pots that are growing again ... and thank God I had my glasses down on my nose. The skeletons from the Canterbells (I can't find a link to this anywhere, am I spelling it wrong?) flowers were delicately hanging on. Don't they look like the wire undercage of the crinoline skirts of the 1800's?

The closer I look, the more amazed I am

The closer I look, the more amazed I am

The closer I look, the more amazed I am


  1. They are wonderful! Yes, the glasses do come in handy!

  2. Yes, the structure from crinolines is exactly what I thought of when I saw them, too!

    Was it Canterbury Bells, actually? Beautiful.

    And that's funny about the wonky eyebrow -- so did you change it or keep the wonky one as a warning to guests not to F*CK with you that day? tee hee!

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Lovely photos!
    I was cracking up over the eyebrow story!!


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