Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bravo And Beautiful

I love these zipper necklaces by Vanessa Yanow, and her glass bean sprouts. And speaking of sprouts, I want one of these, but how do they get this to happen?

Annie Cantin -- Verre Soufflé. Absolutely fun and stunning work, seen below.

And this wonderful, great, amazing idea -- PET project: by Miwa Koizumi, "using liquid containers to make water animals. Contained/containing, trash/not-trash, like the jelly-fish or anemone: Living/non-living. Bravo and beautiful! Aurora Robson also creates beautiful objects from discarded plastics bottles. You guys are my heros! Found Aurora Robson link via Happy Mundane comments ;)

Most of these delicious links found on

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    How did u find that? It is nice to share...


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