Saturday, April 21, 2007


Our Creative Director owns an interactive book sculpture by Casey Curran. You can experience their movement by watching the movie clip attached to each piece.

Book sculpture hand chewed by the artist, Douglas Coupland, via Dead Programmers Cafe.

Book sculpture, Galerie Lelong, New York City via Kansas City Public Library.

Alice stars in her own book, by Su Blackwell, Book Cut Sculptures.

Georgia Russell's dissected book under glass. Six Dictionaries, photography by Abelardo Morell, via the most fun FunForever

Yum, 2007 Edible book (where did all the pictures go?), 2006, International Edible Book contest via Colophon. I love "Green Eggs and Ham" seen below.

Map of the world ball by Stefana McClure. Shower hair dairy by Laura Mappin.

Very impressive set of Book and book sculptures by Jade Pegler.

My need one of these Taggers Book

Beautiful images of hand bookbindings and a book bench.

I thought a little book of war poetry to be a timely purchase from the Friends of the Library book sale. I bought several small books for $1.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    check out the book art on this site:


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