Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Clever Ideas

I completed two of my projects yesterday. And managed to do a little art studio cleaning. I can't talk about my project because it is secret and I signed a confidentiality clause ;)

I love art for housewives, clever, cool and all about the recycling effort! I wish I had hours per day to read and comment of all of these cool blogs. I found many of these links there today.

WasteNothing - Use everything and waste nothing!

One/Change – Making one change at a time.

Harriete Estel Berman's sculpture, square yard of grass made from pre-printed steel, copper base.

Michele Brody, Land-Scaping. "Three walls of windows covered with lace curtains hung from CPVC pipes overlooking an herb garden. 7 curtains sewn together with pockets in which 7 different culinary herbs were planted and watered by a drip irrigation system." "Garden Lace" seen below, isn't that fabulous? You must go look at her incredible installations!

Heritage Salvage via a wonderful blog recycle-ryoanji.

Making art from plastic bags.

Tamar Mogendorff via Happy Cavalier via another wonderful blog this is love forever. So many great blogs out there ... I wonder why I keep doing it myself. I should just become a viewer.

I have mentioned Angie Lewin before but her work is so stunning, This Island Teasels reminds me of this alien seed pod I found on an old dirt road.

The cutest closets by Kast van een Huis via Bloesem.

What a clever idea, paperback swap.

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