Saturday, March 17, 2007

Big Hairy Deal

Hair Raising is an exhibition designed and hand-sewn by Sandy Suffield via 30gms.

Hair wreath found at the Victorian HairWork Society. A hair museum?

A wall of pseudo-english, chinese, hindi, arabic and world ethnical maps made of human hair with african shorn hair on the ground.

Mee Ping Leung's hand-made shoes of human hair.


  1. You find the neatest stuff-and "big hairy deal" is one of my all-time favorite expressions. Too funny

  2. Yes Kim, you are a clever girl. I love your blog and check it almost daily or whenever I need a spiritual "lift". Adele

  3. Thank you Dee and Adele ... not so clever, maybe just waste a little too much time in front of the computer ;) I am glad to offer any *lift* at all ;) So THANK YOU for that x0x0x0

  4. One of the most touching pieces of art I have ever seen is at the LDS Church Museum in Salt Lake City, UT. A young pioneer girl, with nothing left of her belongings, save a small piece of fabric and a needle, used her own hair as thread and made an alphabet sampler as she walked across the plains with her family. I can only imagine what she must have felt as she plucked her own hair to sew it to fabric and keep herself occupied after a long day on the plains. It was delicate, beautiful, and so full of meaning.

  5. Anonymous2:31 AM

    "Hairy" folk-art and hair-jewelry was quite common in switzerland between 1750 and 1920. It was made by nuns and hairdressers. Today there is some revival of this old technique.
    Look here: and
    of course in German.


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