Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Self-Portrait Challenge - 02.06

Black and white and paint all over. My favorite paint pants and black and white warm polar socks. See more black and white portraits here.


  1. Cool photo, Kim! I love how the shot is framed.

  2. gosh dang it all... this is why I loOOoove yu!!!

    (word verification: bnfnqcyd
    can it get any longer?)

  3. You look way pretty in your painting pants. I thought you said you go rough when you work at home. I'm not joking or exaggerating in the least when I tell you that when I walk outside, with my hair like straw and in the clothes I have on, make my homeless friends offer to give me things!

    Love your marvelous love notes, love the lanterns, everything, and thanks too for the clear bag link--bookmarked!

  4. Yeah, the 'framed in the door' look is a nice touch. Well done.

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    this is a cool black and white phot and i also love the framimg, your lanterns are too too cool as well!

  6. You are the Queen of Self Portaits Dearie! I half expected to see everything in the back room hanging upside down! Love your stuff!

    You've been tagged...for more info visit me at A Latte A Day! :)

  7. Thanks Deb, s'mee ;))), Shelly ... I did have that straw hair but it did not show up in photo and trust me you would not have wanted to *get a whiff* of me then ;), thanks jeremy and gay
    Hey M ... well, if I had anytime to *play* these days I might have just done something like that ;) but as it was, I hardly remembered it was Tuesday. Going over to check the tag


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