Wednesday, February 21, 2007

In Love

I am so in love with The Carrot Box. I wore my big Green Ringa today and gave another away to a friend. I just want to make more and more of them! I need MORE TIME to make these fun, useless things! Bling glass ring, via Sub-Studio Design Blog, love them. Ozzi Oswald's square love found on Karin's Style Blog.

Kim Carney "Ringas"

Also called Liz in a panic about charms we are suppose to be making for ArtFest. When I talk to Liz, it feels like no time has passed since we talked last, a very strange and soothing connection.

So I made a few charms tonight ... but I wanted to make my Ringas! Maybe I can get a few made before the end of March. Also have started a great little project for the 8x8 art piece for ArtFest and it involves a butterfly punch ;)


  1. Your rings are wonderful!

  2. love, love your rings!
    they are so very beautiful + happy.
    (i'm sure that they make the wearer smile all day long!)

  3. I would love a glass ring, but they are all sold out in my size. Or, they don't come in that large of a size. I need a 9 1/2. Where else can I look?

    did you get my email?



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