Thursday, February 01, 2007

Illustration Friday - Red (Skelton)

Red (Skelton) for Illustration Friday, he was one of my favorite comedians when I was a kid when life was a little simpler.


  1. as a little girl red skelton
    was one of my favorites. we
    used to watch him as a family.
    he is a rare treasure for all.
    wow...i love that you thought of
    him for this if subject. what
    a fun and unique twist!

  2. e was a very nice man. When I was young he lived in a community near ours. He would shop in the grocery store I worked at. Really friendly, unassuming and wow did he have money!

  3. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I grew up on Skelton, too. Memories! Good choice for IF's "Red".


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