Friday, February 23, 2007

Illustration Friday - Communication

I have not participated in Illustration Friday in a long time. I recycling some archived art and dedicating this to my friend Katie, who is having a baby. I have been giving her alot of grief about sellling her sexy, high-heeled snake-skin boots now because your feet grow at least a size and trading them in for some Dexters. I have stopped that now because I remember when someone told me I wouldn't care about a clean house after birth that I was horrified and said, I will always have a clean house. And eat those words now. Clean house, shoes, new clothes, no sleep ... all of that takes a backseat when you are "communicating" with your baby! Before and after birth. Of course, "communication" takes on a whole new meaning when your baby turns 15, but I will tell her those horror stories about that later. ;) Looking back, I can say it is all fun, Katie, enjoy the moment, each one!


  1. Hehehe... I love your illo and idea. She looks very in touch with her baby :)

  2. wonderful idea! your design sense is so incredibly flawless, a perfect communication in your illo!

  3. i like everything here - the idea, the style, the result ... very good!

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    That is so awesome. Much pathos. Very warm. You really bring alot of life to vector work.

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Beautiful image. And great story behind it ;)

  6. It's true how things change after you have a baby... I haven't slept through a single night since my son was born - almost 25 years ago! I really like this illustration - the interplay of arcs is excellent, especially in the black! It's almost abstract!

  7. lovely idea. very warm image


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